Sunday, October 19, 2014

Spirit of Freedom! - 1776 Style

Europeans were already living in North America a couple a centuries before 1776 and were happy just the way they were without revolution on their mind! So what developed the change of attitude? We have all heard "taxing without representation" and the rest of the rhetoric etc.  Something more was in the air! Thomas Paine,s book "Common Sense" was getting a large sector of the population THINKING! What's this monarchy thing have to do with me in the New World? Birth right titles, blood lines, ruling class etc. "Common Sense" was mocking the monarchy and its very institution!

There is where for a rare moment in time and history, the PEOPLE started daring to say what they always felt in their very nature "I DON'T WANT SOMEONE ELSE TELLING ME WHAT TO DO OR HOW TO LIVE". There was the BIRTH of the most extraordinary system of government the planet had ever seen. All created equal and a right to pursue happiness! WOW! that's different. Then a group of smart people set up a foundation of government with fail safes built in to safeguard the IDEALS of freedom written down in simple english  for all to understand.

For the past 200+ years, WE THE PEOPLE, have been trying with great detail, defining the outer limits of "Doing our thing" 60,s style and beyond. Is it any surprise why people are SO ENRAGED when someone or some government  body dictates what you can or cannot do with your own body etc.? Who you can marry? And the list goes on and on and on! FREEDOM! Can you hear it? With all this freedom going around, why does the government and society seem to be so disfunctional? Why is debt out of control? What happened to "Common Sense"? Has the Spirit of Freedom changed? Maybe it's not working anymore? Maybe we need to take a good look of ourselves again to see what's happening?

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